Tour of Caleb's Geothermal Greenhouse in March

This is a winter green called Corn Salad Dutch in flower -- the second flowers of the year, after the peas :) Flowers are always nice -- they remind us that spring is coming.

Peas! Real peas! This picture was taken on March 21.

These are rare yellow strawberries, coming up from seed.

Some very rare lettuces, with Chinese cabbage in the upper left, and cold-tolerant tomato sprouts in the front middle (if you can see them).

Potatoes and cucumbers. Both are very rare varieties. The cucumber sprouts are on the right front.

These are peas, orach, onions, leeks, Chinese cabbage, rutabaga and if you look carefully you can see a zucchini plant :)

More lettuces. I've been doing a big trial of winter lettuces all winter.

More peas -- so tasty in March! These are winter variety peas. 

I'm sprouting a lot of things right now, some of which I will sell later and some is for my own garden.. In the right front you can see Danish Ballhead cabbage sprouts.

Thyme has sprouted!

These are echinacea (Purple coneflower)

Beets, and several kinds of beans.

Some very rare Asian greens -- extremely winter hardy! I hope one day soon to have a limited supply of these and other rare seeds for sale at -- which is where I sell all of my rare and guaranteed pure, never hybrid, never GMO seeds. You can also click on that link to get a deal on my books! -Caleb


  1. It all looks wonderful- I am inspired.

  2. I just got your winter gardening book in the mail and was excited to find your section on the geothermal green house. Thank you!
