Caleb Warnock’s Guaranteed Edible Weed Killer

[Above: milkweed thistle killed with Caleb Warnock's Edible Weed Killer]

I have been very close for a couple of years now, and have been working feverishly since early spring to perfect this recipe. After giving speeches to thousands of people because of my books, the biggest request from audiences has been a safe and chemical-free recipe for killing weeds. People have told me they want to give up using Monsanto’s Roundup and its generic versions because of concerns about expense and long-term effects.

I have been certain for years that it was possible to create an all-natural weedkiller that could be guaranteed to work as well as all commercial weedkillers, at a much lower price, with no environmental or chemical risks. My only requirement was that the recipe be entirely edible because I’m not going to use anything in my garden that I don’t want to eat.

My years of work have come tantalizingly close. This year, the final two puzzle pieces clicked together.

First, master herbalist Kirsten Skirvin was teaching a class at my home when she said this: “Whenever there is a problem caused by nature, the natural solution is always only a few feet away.” I admit it sounded like hocus-pocus to me. My first inclination was to apologize to those who had paid to be in the class. But Kirsten is not a fly-by-night herbalist. She has more than two decades of experience. I decided to be quiet and put her words to the test. She was talking about cuts, burns and stings -- not killing weeds. Nevertheless, as I began to test her theory, I began to see that it was true. And I started to wonder how it could be applied to weeds.

The second puzzle piece clicked for me while I was teaching a class earlier this year. Someone asked me a question about something completely unrelated to killing weeds, and I answered the question -- and realized in that instant that the answer had been staring me in the face for three years. I knew immediately that I had found a recipe I could guarantee, at last. Since then, I have tested and tested. I figured out the exact vegetable-based formula. The most difficult and frustrating part was figuring out how to apply it correctly. As it turns out, the way the weedkiller is applied makes all the difference in the world.

My weedkiller:

- Is entirely edible. The recipe doubles as a super-healthy salad dressing, which is how I would suggest you eat it.

- Kills all common backyard weeds in one application when applied as directed.

- Is guaranteed safe for pets, bees and insects so long as you don’t apply it directly on them.

- Safe and even beneficial for garden soil.

- Safe for use around children, and safe for the person applying the weedkiller (except that you could hurt your eyes if you got it directly in your eyes. Do not get the formula in your eyes.)

- Where I live, the ingredients, when purchased at a grocery store, cost just less than $3.50 per gallon to make at home. One gallon will kill roughly 100 to 400 square feet of weeds, depending on the height and density.

- Can be all natural and 100 percent organic, depending on the vegetables you use to make it.

- Will kill living weeds of all ages, and is guaranteed to kill field bindweed, mallow, cheatgrass, dandelions, lawn grass, clover, broadleaf grass, perennial weeds and all common backyard weeds in a single application when used as directed.

- This recipe does not use salt and will not affect future plantings or have any negative or long-term affect on your soil or garden!

- The weedkiller takes less than five minutes to make. You will need a blender.

- To apply the weedkiller, you will need one of two inexpensive tools, costing about $4, or $20 if you want to apply the weedkiller as a spray. You will be able to use these tools over and over again, and you likely already have these tools if you have a garden.

- My weedkiller recipe will also kill vegetables, berry bushes, flowers and shrubs if applied directly on them. Apply only to plants you wish to kill. This weedkiller may also kill insects if applied directly on them.

It is no exaggeration when I say that creating this formula has required five years of work, thousands of dollars, hundreds of experiments, and hundreds of hours of testing. Because of all this expense and effort, I cannot give this recipe away. I have thought carefully about how to make this recipe public -- should I keep the recipe a secret and sell weedkiller by the gallon? The problem with this is that only local people would have access because shipping a gallon would be prohibitively expensive. Should I sell the recipe? The problem with this is that someone could publish the recipe and destroy my opportunity to sell what I have worked so hard to create. So what I have decided to do is sell the recipe for $29 per household, but only to people who agree to the following terms:

“By purchasing this recipe, I hereby agree never to publish or make public the recipe for Caleb Warnock’s Guaranteed Edible Weed Killer in any way, by any medium including but not limited to verbally sharing the recipe or distributing the recipe via electronic and/or print media, including to family and friends who do not live in my immediate household. I agree to the above stated terms even if I request and receive my money back, or even if I request but do not receive my money back. I agree that, should I request and receive my money back, I will never again use the recipe, nor publish it or make it public in any form.”

The recipe is $29 per household. You need only to purchase the recipe once to use it for your lifetime. My recipe is guaranteed to work with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can purchase it only at My belief is that this recipe has the potential to change the world. With this recipe, I cannot see any reason to use any chemical weedkiller. -Caleb

[Below: Weeds killed with Caleb Warnock's Edible Weed Killer]


  1. Will it effect future plantings in the area?

  2. No, it will not. Great question. No salt!

  3. Will it kill morning glory/bindweed?

  4. - Will kill living weeds of all ages, and is guaranteed to kill field bindweed, mallow, cheatgrass, dandelions, lawn grass, clover, broadleaf grass, perennial weeds and all common backyard weeds in a single application when used as directed.

  5. If we apply it directly to the stem of say... a dandelion... will it kill grass around it, or just what it touches? (Not that I'll be killing my dandelions! I guess I should have used a different example! :)

  6. Great question. It only kills what you apply it onto. In your example, it would only kill the dandelion.

  7. Yes, it kills foxtail grass (but it does not kill the seed if the seed has already formed, of course)

  8. Sounds awesome! I have one question. This isn't weed and feed for your lawn right? It is just a weed killer?

  9. My husband keeps bees, so we are limited in the chemicals that we can use on our driveway gravel to keep down the weeds. Do you know if your weed killer will hurt bees and other insects?

  10. It is not weed and feed, it is just a weedkiller. It only hurts bees if applied directly on them :)

  11. How long should it dry before getting wet from sprinklers?

  12. ...and what about crab grass...

  13. Yes, it kills grass and crabgrass, perennial grass and broadleaf grass.

  14. Yes, Bermuda grass too, as long as you apply as directed, it kills all weeds. I just did some Bermuda grass today.

  15. How long does it take to work? I am very intrigued and will purchase the recipe soon. Also, why don't you patent it?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Can you compost the weeds after you kill them?

  18. On a sunny day you will begin to see results within 90 minutes. In 24 hours everything is pretty much dead, if applied as directed. Why don't I patent it -- because this is a recipe that you make at home yourself. If I patent it, then someone has to manufacture it, and the priced quadruples. I don't see any benefit of patenting the recipe or the method.

    Yes, you can compost the weeds after you kill them.

  19. Is it possible to put it in a spray bottle to kill masses of weeds at a time, or does the application method prohibit that, so that the weeds are killed one weed at a time?

  20. If I understand correctly it will kill what ever you sray it on ? even your garden plants ? peas carrots potatoes? Do you have package deals? I would like to puchase the weed killer reciepe,
    Back YardWinter Gardening Troubles on the menu, Forgotten skills, and Another Art of making bread for a gift " love this book!"
    Also do you do workshops on gardening or bredmaking ?I live In Mantua, Utah Would love for you to come give a work shop.
    Thank You
    Sherri Sorensen

  21. I would like to purchase the recipe but I can't find anywhere to do that. Help!

  22. HI Caleb, I just purchased your book and I will be purchasing your recipe, too. I have 10 acres that are infested with Goat Head Thorns. I am desperately trying to avoid chemical weed killers, and where we live, burning is pretty much out of the question. It's going to take us years to eradicate these things, as the seeds can last up to 7 years and they are EVERYWHERE. I am hoping this is the answer and that we are not going to have to go the Roundup route, Thanks you so much for what you do.

  23. This stuff is amazing. Four hours from application, and the bindweed is brown and dead as a doorknob. The Johnson grass is also showing serious signs of stress - and it's not even a particularly hot or sunny day. THANK YOU Caleb!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. Around 2000 we remodeled and brought in some top soil for landscaping between the lawn and our home. Within a couple of years, it became clear the soil was infested with bindweed, and we battled it for all these years. Now we are older and can't fight it anymore. I hope your weed formula really works, because it isn't in our budget to pay for stripping, adding barrier cloth and rock or bark.

  26. Will it kill goutweed (Bishop's weed)?
    3/4 of my garden has been taken over by this horrible thing. If it will kill that, I will buy it-

  27. Is this the same as milk thistle, that’s good for liver damage? If it is the same thing then I bet you have friends that would gladly harvest that for you.

  28. There are many prominent brands which have introduced their weed whackers in the market. After George Ballas introduced this machine there have been many changes and innovations in the manufacture of these weed eaters. weed games

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  31. Is the recipe in this? Caleb's Book of Natural Garden Remedies
    Otherwise, I cannot find it on that site.

  32. Please contact me how I may order the edible weed killer. Thanks.

  33. Do you still offer this weed killer recipe? I cannot find a link on your site.

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